What does a restless night and a link for a tutorial result in?

I don't sleep much so when my head hits the pillow I'm asleep. Dead asleep. Just ask anybody who's ever tried to wake me. And when I wake up, I'm wide awake.
Occasionally though, something goes haywire (we won't talk about the late night piece of chocolate in an otherwise caffeine free diet that could be the cause) and I just toss and turn until I finally fall asleep. This time I decided to do something productive, who cares if it was 3am? I mean, what's the use of all that tossing and turning anyway? It never helps. Nor does punching the pillow or flipping it over or tossing the covers off only to pull them back on again.
Most times, my brain takes off on a tangent during the tossing and turning phase which doesn't help matters any. Usually silly stuff that seems very important at the time. Very much on my mind this night was the need to replace a 5 year old pincushion that has definitely seen better days. Add that to an email sitting in my inbox from
Debs with a tutorial for a
biscornu made from fabric. I knew what fabric I wanted to use - Blackbird's Beach House line. So I flew out of bed, turned on my laptop and sewing machine, lugged my rotary cutter, ruler and cutting mat out, I was on a mission.
All of this sounds like a brilliant use of time doesn't it? I thought so, until I actually sat down at the sewing machine and couldn't see what I was doing because I was yawning non-stop. I was determined to finish though, how hard could it be? I discovered that I have no patience when I'm tired. None. Which is why, after ripping seams twice just sewing the 4 patches together and attempting to sew them into a biscornu shape twice, I gave up and went to bed.
I woke with the intention to finish it and another idea already rattling around in my brain. I had all that lovely chenille trim that I hadn't played with yet. And wait, I also have that huge bag of crushed walnut shells. Why not make a square pincushion and trim it with the chenille? I'm really pleased with the outcome but learned a lesson, next time I'll just stay in bed and toss and turn. Or better yet, maybe I'll think twice about that piece of chocolate. :)
Not much else going on, I took advantage of a birthday discount and stocked up on some lovely colors of Weeks Dye Works wool and a pattern from Fig Tree Quilts.

And in the garden.....

Cathy L - Organizing can be over-rated, especially those times I can't find things I know I have but can't remember where I 'organized' them to!
Angela - The bone folder - I use it to crease paper and poster board but it's also handy to poke out fabrics corners.
Helen - I wish I had room for another shoe organizer on top of the first. It's set up in a closet and the shelf above has a bracket that's in the way. :(
To clear some confusion I caused in my last post - the Joann's order was the picture with the scissors etc. The ribbons were from 2 different online shops.
Thanks for visiting!
Labels: Garden, Other Crafts, Stash